Thursday, December 5, 2013

Running is an ADULT PACIFIER

When distance runners get injured, it's not fun.  We are probably the worst group of people to have to be around.  I'm sorry to everyone in my life right now.  I'm not fun. 

While I've had a lot of "injuries" over my running career, none of them have been terribly daunting.  They've all been very "light at the end of the tunnel" and brief.  Broken foot....not so bad.  Busted shoulder...not awesome...but I was running after 6-8 weeks.  Piriformis?  Annoying

My hip injury, a completely different situation.

What the heck am I supposed to do with myself?  Running IS my adult pacifier.

Here's how it works:

I get Stressed out....I run....I'm all better.....I run again....I feel even better....My friends and I run....I'm happy because we talk....I run.....

Now, thanks to my stupid FAI, it's like this:

I get stressed out....I'm in a lot of pain....I can't run so I'm sitting on couch....drinking wine....I get stressed out because I shouldn't drink wine alone....I pace my living room....that hurts....I eat a cookie....I can't burn those calories because I don't run....I get stressed out....