Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer Really is Here...

I'm always met with a mixed bag of feelings on that last day of school:

YEA!  No more getting three kids out the door by 7:15 a.m.!


Ohmygod!  Three kids home.  All day.  Every day!

The first sentiment typically outweighs the second.  At first.  Until August rolls around and my children become maniacs attempting to drive one another (and myself) to the nearest padded room.  Then the second feeling becomes the prevailing one.

But for the most part, summer vacation means sleeping in (someone please send Isla that memo), reading books, pool time, trips home, and fun with friends.  All of the best things in life!

One of the best things is our  long standing tradition of starting summer vacation off...the right way.

On the first day of summer vacation, we have ice cream sundaes for breakfast! 

This tradition started quite small after Holden's first year in Pre-School, but has now grown to an all-out, full-scale PARTY. 
This year we celebrated the first day of summer vacation with 25 other kids, a big old inflatable water slide, a baby pool, and of course,  lots of Ice Cream!

I provide the ice cream, whip cream, water-fun, and some basic snacks.  But what makes the party fun is asking our friends to bring *their* favorite sundae topping.  Some of them get pretty creative!  

This year, I ransacked The Dollar Tree so that we could serve toppings in...what else?  Beach buckets and sand castle molds!  It was a pretty fun touch to the party.  Here's some of our toppings (more kept coming in as the party rolled on!)

 This year's favorite Sundae toppings?  Fruity Pebbles and Sour Gummy Worms!

This year's favorite game?  How many kids can crowd into Isla's baby pool?

Playing on the water slide all day makes kids hungry.  Goldfish and pretzels seemed to off-set the ice-cream induced hangover. 

And of's not just fun for the kids!  Moms take the time to toast with a delicious Poinsettia to "no more carpool!"
This tradition has really become one of my favorite traditions of the year.  It's cool to have it grow every year and let the kids go completely wild for one day!