About Me

Nine years ago I was struggling with who I was. 
After another stay in the hospital because of my asthma, and constantly running out of energy trying to keep up with my kids, I had had enough of myself.  

It was then that I began the slow process of shedding a lot of excess pounds and
finding my inner runner.
On my middle daughter's first day of Kindergarten, I became a runner.  And I found my happy place.
Now, I didn't accomplish this over night, or during her recess period.  It took me a while to get there.  But it was on that first day I put on my first pair of running shoes and  started a plan.

People don't believe me when I tell the story, now, of how I couldn't run from my front door to my mailbox on that first day.  I was winded, my legs hurt, I thought I'd die.
But there was a voice inside me that begged me not to give up.
And so, for three days a week, for 6 weeks, I didn't give up.  I pushed myself a little bit further every day, and eventually crossed that first 5K finish line.
When I crossed, I cried.  I cried for the years that I had missed out on this feeling.  All of the years I'd wanted to be a runner, but made excuses for myself:  I have asthma, I have a bad knee, I have kids...

That feeling was addictive, and I never wanted to lose it.  A year after my first 5K, I ran my first half-marathon at the Dallas White Rock Marathon.  A year after that, I ran my first marathon, 13 weeks pregnant with my third child.  Running high distance through the entire pregnancy taught me a great deal about the human spirit and how our bodies are capable of much, much more than our minds would have us believe. 

I've successfully completed countless 5K's, 10K's, and 15Ks,  half-marathons, and three marathons.
I've only ever trained for marathons with my daughter, Isla Belle.  Whether in my belly or in my jogging stroller, she pushed me to go farther and be stronger. 
As she's grown, she now prefers to run on her own and I no longer push the stroller.  Joining me for most runs, these days, is my rescued running partner, Lucas MacGillicuddy. Luke rescued my running, running rescued Luke.  He is now my training buddy as I re-train for an Ultramarathon. 


At this point in my running, I am most motivated to helping other people find their inner runner. 

I have a degree in Behavior Science, which helps me understand what motivates people and helps them find their own reinforcements.  As an RRCA certified distance coach, I have the knowledge and skill set to help runners, novice and experienced, find their potential.  I am especially committed to helping other people who find themselves like I did- wanting to change, wanting to cross that first finish line.  I've successfully coached many people from couch to the finish line of their first 5K.  I've also coached first timer Half and Full Marathon participants ,as well as helped others achieve their PR goals. 

When it comes to coaching, I am committed, compassionate, and empathetic. I understand how every day life presents challenges to training.  I am here to help my clients overcome those challenges. 
I am dedicated to seeing my clients reach their goals and will be with them every step of the way.