All in one weekend we said good bye 2011 and hello 2012. In all actuality it sounded more like: "Hey, 2011, get the hell out of here, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out" and "Welcome, 2012, I hope you're sweeter than your older sister 2011." It was a fun weekend, albeit exceptionally exhausting.
Despite my busted up foot and having lived 2 weeks in Storm Trooper Boot, I managed to finish up the New Year's Challenge, running 13.1 on Saturday and a little 3.1 on Sunday. Saturday was a special day, because I was joined by my dad. The man that motivated me to become a runner returned to the scene by completing his first half in over 20 years.
Thanks to the help of some awesome KT Tape, I buddy taped the crap out of the Piggy that Went to Market and the Piggy that Stayed Home.
The run went great until mile 10. At that point I was almost overcome with pain. I had to do some walk-run intervals for two miles. The only good thing was running into some familiar running buddies. At mile 12 one of them reminded me that I'd be pissed if I didn't finish strong. So I picked my head up, bit my lips, and hauled it in. Much to my surprise, my family was parked for me at about 12.9, holding signs and cheering loudly. Thanks to them, I crossed that finish line strongly. It was really a crappy time, but I managed to finish, so I can't complain. I did have fun!
The next day it was up and at 'em again bright and early. This time I ran a little 5k. I felt awesome the entire time, very strong and confident. While I was in moderate pain, my plan was to actually RUN my race. Give that 3.1 all I had, and finish on empty. By doing so, I managed to finish with a pretty respectable time.
All in all, it was one of the best New Year's Weekends ever, except it's left me feeling like I can't take 2 more weeks in this boot.....