Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In a Funk? You're Only a Run Away from Fixing It

For the last week I've been in the IR.  Again.  Another freaking injury (call me Bella Swan)  forced me off the roads.

Basically, I had my birthday weekend which involved a lot of
After that indulgence, I got in just two runs before I knocked my eye out, leading to a forced rest week.

Yesterday was day 6 of no running and  I had this moment, at the dinner table, where I cringed because I felt so gross.  My mood continued to spiral downward:  I can't see out of one eye.  I'm in yoga freaking pants.  I haven't run.  When did I last wash my hair?  I'm eating like garbage.   

So this morning, before I even got the kids off to school, I donned my Lululemon Runner Crops.  Because, seriously, you can't help but be in the mood to move when those baby's are hugging your butt.  Once the kids were out the door, I threw on my Brooks and headed out to take a walk with Isla.  The just the movement lifted my spirits!  Feeling like I could actually, we headed to the gym.

Now...I'll admit that I probably shouldn't have run.  The two miles on the treadmill were pure hell because my eye was throbbing the entire time.  It still feels like crap.  But, my soul...felt 100 times better. 

It's funny because as I got home, I noticed that my BRF (Best Runner Friend) had texted me exactly what I had just realized  "How come I'm only one run away from a good mood?"